“There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.” – R. Reagan.
Education is a fundamental right that people in the world should have, despite that education has been affected in many areas, due to economic declines in governments, lack of infrastructure and educational models focused on skills that do not allow students to develop necessary skills.
In El Salvador the levels of education suffer a catastrophic decline because the authorities of this country have been responsible for creating an education ministry out of context, in which the last thing they pay attention to is to the teacher and students.
Is necessary define the economic growth and education how are related for achieve success in a context where is too difficult find a job or finish a university career, however; A positive economic growth implies that the population of a country has more goods and services to consume or to invest, but; how this is related with education? Simple, If the people of one country have average or advanced educational levels, they can opt for a job that generates more economic opportunities and benefits their daily lives.
According to Genrice.com (2017) : “Education that trains people who work for the development of the country. An educated person is a more productive, more competitive person, and therefore if all members of society meet that profile, society as a whole will be more productive and competitive, it is education that trains people who work for the development of the country.”
At this point we identify that the principal benefit at the moment to study or enter in the context of education is that people in the society is more productive and can participate in active way in the society, although; some people consider education a bad decision the mayor part of students can found different opportunities to get a job.
This idea refers to how the education process can help to improve our lives at the moment to search opportunities inside the society. People search options to try to find a good employ or to try earning some money for their families, but without education this is impossible, because; in nowadays is necessary learn new ways to perform skills that are necessary in the new kind of jobs in the society. For example, if one person needs to earn a lot of money His/her abilities need to stay adequate the new rules for the different jobs.
“The wealth of nations that initiallydepended on the number of factories, territorial extension, work tools and machines, now depends on the knowledge and skills of human capital as the main triggers of economic growth. Well, nowwe have large capitals that depend on a patent such as coca-cola or Microsoft, this trend towards knowledge is causing rapid changes since it is said that knowledge will double every five years.”
If we observe the labor field demands high-quality people that can only arise from well-qualified educational systems, so that this knowledge revolution forces institutions to modify their educational programs and adapt to change to permit the people to achieve this kind of jobs with a good performance in education.
According to World Economic Forum (2015). “Education is the basis of long-term economic growth, since it is considered one of the fundamental pillars for such growth.”
According this information is necessary define that economic – Education are related between for achieve success in some cases, because; the way that you perform your job can benefit at the moment to find a job with excellent remuneration, in this case the level of education must be high.
Education contributes to economic growth in the following ways:
· Increasing labor productivity by generating prepared human capital.
· Increasing innovation by creating new knowledge about new technologies, processes and products.· Facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and information for the implementation of external technologies.
In order for education to really translate into higher levels of gross domestic product, quality education systems are needed aimed at strategic areas that also guarantee the development of cognitive skills.
According to Jean Manes (2019) “The Higher Education Project for Economic Growth has been successful, because there was fertile land. Opportunities only serve something if there are people who take advantage of them and in El Salvador there are thousands of young people just waiting for the opportunity to realize they're ambitions.”
At this point is possible identify that people in our country has te opportunities to develop a job in adequate way according to this information, people who has low levels of education search options to find a job that permit to develop correctly in the society.
According to Tania Bonilla (2019) “Education in El Salvador as a strategy for economic growth demands not only the skills and abilities of the population but also a large economic investment in it. The economic investment requires a mutual agreement of the private company with the government, because in this way they can better prepare professionals, providing them with the necessary tools for their learning process, and thus achieve job skills.”
Díaz, D. (01 de Noviembre de 2018). La educación como motor de desarrollo económico.Recuperado el 29 de Julio de 2019, de
Pérez Martínez, Á. (18 de Marzo de 2016). Crecimiento económico y educación.Recuperado el 29 de Julio de 2019, de
Valdez Ibarra, A. (14 de Abril de 2015). El papel de la educación en el desarrollo económico.Recuperado el 29 de Julio de 2019, de
Gutiierrez Limon, A. (s.f.). La educación y el crecimiento conómico. Recuperado el 29 de Julio de 2019, de
Manes, J. (02 de Abril de 2019). Proyecto de Educacion Superior para el Crecimiento económico.Recuperado el 29 de Julio de 2019, de
We Hope To Enjoy!
Tania Bonilla
Yesse Constanza
Kevin Navarro.